Activate/Deactivate Graphics Characters ESC m
Data Structure ASCII ESC "m" <n>
hex. 1B 6D <n>
dec. 27 109 <n>
Description On receipt of this command, the ASCII codes hex.90 to hex.9F can be output as special
graphics characters.
Valid values for n are:
n = 0 (hex.00) activates the control codes
n = 4 (hex.04) activates the graphics characters
Activate/Deactivate Direct Print Mode ESC i
Data Structure ASCII ESC "i" <n> or n
hex. 1B 69 <n> or n
dec. 27 105 <n> or n
Description In this mode no complete lines from the print buffer are printed, but each character is prin-
ted immediately on receipt of the character, just like in a typewriter. In addition the printer
pushes the paper up, so that the user can immediately see the printed character and then
pulls the page down again to continue printing.
Valid values for n are:
n = 1 (dec.1 or dec.49, hex.01 or hex.31) activates the mode
n = 0 (dec.0 or dec.48, hex.00 or hex.30) deactivates the mode
112 Miscellaneous