UPCE For the UPCE barcode type, 7 numbers are transmitted. The 8. digit is the check number.
The uneven figures of the information have a factor of "3", the even figures a factor of "1".
Counting begins from the left. The resulting cross sum is divided by 10. The remaining in-
teger value is subtracted from the modul (10). The result is transmitted as the check num-
ber (c).
Information 01234565
Factor 3131313
Product 0+1+6+3+12+5+18
Cross sum 45
10 (modul) - 5 (remainder) = 5 (check number)
For remainder "0" the check number is also "0".
Add-On 5 6 numbers are transmitted: check number (c) + 5 information items (n). The uneven figu-
res of the information have a factor of "3", the even figures a factor of "1". Counting be-
gins from the right. The resulting cross sum is divided by 10. The remaining integer value
is subtracted from the modul (10). The result is transmitted as the check number (c).
Information 386104
Factor 39393
Product 24 + 54 + 3 + 0 + 12
Cross sum 93
3 (remainder) = 3 (check number)
The check number is not printed in the clear data line (HRI).
40 Barcode Printing