SYSTem Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual 3–173
SYSTem:KLOCk [0|1]
Usage: SYST:KLOC 1 locks out the local keyboard inputs. When local lockout is
activated, the “focus” button at the top right of the display changes to say
“Remote (Unlock)”. Pressing the Enter button (located just to the right) also
cancels the local lockout and assigns 0 to the SYST:KLOC state as does the
SYST:KLOC 0 command.
Query: SYST:KLOC? returns a 1 if local lockout is activated or 0 if local local lockout
is not activated.
Example: The SYST:KLOC [0|1] command is used in the standard ”fplock” function
script that is included in the function directory for use.
*RST: Clears the front panel lock.
Usage: Triggers a state save. The user editable parameters that have been changed in an
application are saved so that when that application is recalled after being used
by another application, those edits will not have to be repeated. This is not a
total state save of the entire state of the AM700 in that on power up, the
generator state will not be on if it were on, and the running application will not
be restored (FFT Analyzer is the power up default application).
*RST: No *RST effect.
SYSTem:TIME <hour>,<minute>,<second>
Usage: Sets or displays the current AM700 internal clock time.
Parameters: <hours> Must be <numeric_value>. The hour value is rounded to the
nearest integer in the range of 0 to 23 inclusive in a 24 hour time format.
<minutes> Must be <numeric_value>. The minute value is rounded to the
nearest integer in the range of 0 to 59 inclusive.