TRACe Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual 3–175
TRACe Subsystem
A TRACe area is a named entity stored in instument memory. The content of the
TRACe memory may be queried to output the trace data.
The Audio Analyzer reference traces may now be assigned to, using the commands
detailed below. However, there is no way to assign units or sources for the traces
(such as THD vs Frequency). Therefore, if a trace is first assigned after the
application is started, unitless numbers are assigned to a unitless trace. Then, this
reference trace cannot be used as a reference for anything, because its units and
attributes are incompatible. However, after the reference trace has appropriate units
and attributes, values may be assigned.
A simple way to cause these attributes to be set is with the ”AME:REF:SET”
command. The code has been changed to copy the attributes even if the source
trace has no data.Therefore, if measurement #1 is set to ”Level vs Frequency”, and
you want to assign levels and frequencies to the reference trace, after executing the
AME1:REF:SET command, the trace "AME1_REF" will now have "Level vs.
Frequency" attributes, and may be assigned to effectively.


Query: TRACe:CATalog? returns a comma-separated list of strings that contain the
names of all traces for a running application. If there are no <trace_names>
defined, a single, empty string is returned. The trace names are application
specific. Audio Analyzer reports back with 44 or so (16 for RT readout values,
20 for the possible measurement output traces on four views with history, and 4
for the regulation mode traces) while FFT Analyzer reports back with 10 (two
for FFT and eight for the possible multitone traces).
Parameters: Monitor Trace Data
SCOPEMAG_1 CH1 trace data
SCOPEMAG_2 CH2 trace data
Digital Interface Tester Data
DIT_BAH_X Bit Activity X Subframe (not viewed)
DIT_BAH_XZ Bit Activity X/Z Subframe (viewed)
DIT_BAH_Y Bit Activity Y Subframe (viewed)