Texas Instruments TMS320F2801, TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320C2802, TMS320C2801 When Spibrr = 3 to

Models: TMS320F28016 TMS320F2801 TMS320F2802 TMS320F28015 TMS320C2801 TMS320F2806 TMS320F2808 TMS320F2809 TMS320C2802

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TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320F2806

TMS320F2802, TMS320F2801, TMS320C2802

TMS320C2801, TMS320F28016, TMS320F28015



4.9Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Modules (SPI-A, SPI-B, SPI-C, SPI-D)

The 280x devices include the four-pin serial peripheral interface (SPI) module. Up to four SPI modules (SPI-A, SPI-B, SPI-C, and SPI-D) are available. The SPI is a high-speed, synchronous serial I/O port that allows a serial bit stream of programmed length (one to sixteen bits) to be shifted into and out of the device at a programmable bit-transfer rate. Normally, the SPI is used for communications between the DSP controller and external peripherals or another processor. Typical applications include external I/O or peripheral expansion through devices such as shift registers, display drivers, and ADCs. Multidevice communications are supported by the master/slave operation of the SPI.

The SPI module features include:

Four external pins:

SPISOMI: SPI slave-output/master-input pin

SPISIMO: SPI slave-input/master-output pin

SPISTE: SPI slave transmit-enable pin

SPICLK: SPI serial-clock pin

NOTE: All four pins can be used as GPIO, if the SPI module is not used.

Two operational modes: master and slave

Baud rate: 125 different programmable rates.

Baud rate =



when SPIBRR = 3 to 127

(SPIBRR ) 1)



Baud rate =



when SPIBRR = 0,1, 2




Data word length: one to sixteen data bits

Four clocking schemes (controlled by clock polarity and clock phase bits) include:

Falling edge without phase delay: SPICLK active-high. SPI transmits data on the falling edge of the SPICLK signal and receives data on the rising edge of the SPICLK signal.

Falling edge with phase delay: SPICLK active-high. SPI transmits data one half-cycle ahead of the falling edge of the SPICLK signal and receives data on the falling edge of the SPICLK signal.

Rising edge without phase delay: SPICLK inactive-low. SPI transmits data on the rising edge of the SPICLK signal and receives data on the falling edge of the SPICLK signal.

Rising edge with phase delay: SPICLK inactive-low. SPI transmits data one half-cycle ahead of the falling edge of the SPICLK signal and receives data on the rising edge of the SPICLK signal.

Simultaneous receive and transmit operation (transmit function can be disabled in software)

Transmitter and receiver operations are accomplished through either interrupt-driven or polled algorithms.

Nine SPI module control registers: Located in control register frame beginning at address 7040h.


All registers in this module are 16-bit registers that are connected to Peripheral Frame 2. When a register is accessed, the register data is in the lower byte (7–0), and the upper byte (15–8) is read as zeros. Writing to the upper byte has no effect.

Enhanced feature:

16-level transmit/receive FIFO

Delayed transmit control



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Texas Instruments TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320C2802, TMS320C2801, TMS320F28016, TMS320F2806 When Spibrr = 3 to