Add a Camera
Click the Add button to add a camera to the list. The following window appears:
Note: The information you enter here doesn’t change any of the camera’s settings. This information is kept on your PC allowing you to connect quickly and
easily to any camera without
The default settings will appear in their corresponding boxes. Modify the settings as needed for the camera you wish to connect to.
Camera Label | A label used to help you to remember which camera this is. (12 character maximum) |
URL | IP address or domain name for the camera to connect to. (For example |
| or yourcameraname.dyndns.org) You don’t need to add http://, it’s done for you. |
Web Page Port | Always 80 unless you are accessing multiple cameras over the Internet. |
User Name | Your username for this camera. |
Password | Your password for this camera. |
Remember Password | Uncheck this option if you want to enter your password each time you log in. |
OK | Save changes and close window. |
Cancel | Discard changes and close. |
Note: Usernames and passwords are case sensitive and require 4 to 12 characters. No special characters are allowed (ASCII characters only).
Hint: If you forget the username and password for a camera, you can reset the camera to factory settings by holding down the power button, while the camera is on, for 6 seconds. The default username is admin and the default password is password.
Once you have entered the correct settings, click OK. The Add Camera dialog box closes and the camera’s label appears in the Camera Manager list. Click OK to close the Camera Manager. You are now ready to connect (log in) to the camera.
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