Remote Operation
SCPI Error/Event Queue
The error/event queue contains items that include a numerical and textual description of the error or event. Querying for the full queue item (for example, with SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?) will return a response with the following syntax:
<Error/Event Number>, "<Error/Event Description>;<Optional Device Dependent Info>"
The <Error/event_number> is a unique integer in the range
The second parameter of the full response is a quoted string containing an <Error/event_description> followed by optional
The maximum string length of <Error/event_description> plus <Device- dependent_info> is 255 characters.
As errors and events are detected, they are placed in a queue. This queue is first in, first out. If the queue overflows, the last error/event in the queue is replaced with error:
Any time the queue overflows, the least recent errors/events remain in the queue, and the most recent error/event is discarded. The error queue implemented in the XTR is capable of holding 4 errors.
When the error queue is not empty the error queue bit in the Status register will be set.
Querying For the Errors
Executing a query of the event queue will respond with the oldest error currently on the queue. This error is removed. The response format is discussed in the error/event queue description section.