Remote Operation
Querying Help for Command Syntax
The SYSTem[<channel>]:HELP:SYNTax? query causes the device to return a string containing the syntax specification of the command associated with the <command_header>, a description of the command function and any aliases to the command. Each line of the response is tabbed to the right for readability.
Any <command_header> that is not a valid command header being recognized by the device, shall cause the device to return a null string (""). E.g. if the <command_header> contains only a part of the header, contains an illegal numeric suffix, etc.
The response shall have the following format:
<Description of command>
<command header> <Command parameters
Alias: <list of command that perform the same function>
[:]SYSTem[<channel>]:HELP:SYNTax? {<string command>}
<string command> is the command to look up the syntax help on.
The following examples demonstrate how to use the syntax help command.
Example 1:
Gets the response:
Select the PSU (power supply) to communicate with *ADR ?<NR1>
Aliases: :SYSTem:COMMunicate[:SELF]:ADDRess
Example 2:
Gets the response:
Triggers the Autosequence Program [:]INITiate:IMMediate
Aliases: *TRG