Step 2: Record the first track

2-2: Set the insert effect

The MRS-1044 contains two types of effects: an "insert effect" that can be inserted into a specific signal route, and two "send/return effects" that can be applied to the entire song by using the send/return of the mixer.

In this example, we will record with the insert effect applied to the guitar connected to the [INPUT 1] jack.

MASTERING : An algorithm suitable for processing a stereo mix signal, such as during mixdown.

For this example, press the [GUITAR/BASS] key to select the GUITAR/BASS algorithm. The [GUITAR/BASS] key will light, and you can now select patches that use the GUITAR/BASS algorithm.


For details on using the send/return effects, refer to p.26

1 Press the [EFFECT] key.

Patch namePatch number


For details on the algorithms, refer to p.75.

The [EFFECT] key will light, and a screen will appear, allowing you to select a patch for the internal effects. A "patch" is a set of previously saved settings for an internal effect. A newly created project contains patches for the insert effect, and you can instantly change effect settings simply by selecting one of these patches.

2Use the ALGORITHM keys to select an algorithm for the insert effect.

An "algorithm" is a combination of effect modules (individual effects) that the insert effect lets you use simultaneously. Insert effect patches are organized according to their algorithm. This means that when selecting an insert effect patch, you start by selecting the algorithm that is appropriate for the instrument you will be recording, or for the desired purpose.

There are four algorithms, as follows.

GUITAR/BASS : An algorithm suitable for recording guitar/bass.

MIC : An algorithm suitable for vocals or mic recording.

LINE : An algorithm suitable mainly for recording stereo-output instruments such as synthesizer or electric piano.

3Turn the dial to select the desired patch.

For this example, select the patch named "StrmBeat"

(number 34).

4Press the [EXIT] key.

You will return to the main screen.


If you want to record without sending the sound through the insert effect, press the [BYPASS/TUNER] key in the main screen. This will bypass the insert effect. When you press the [BYPASS/TUNER] key once again it will go dark, and bypass will be disabled.

2-3: Select a track and record

Now we will set the recording level, and record the sound of the guitar (with the insert effect applied) on track 1.

1While playing your instrument, turn the [REC LEVEL] control to adjust the recording level.

By default, the insert effect is inserted before the [REC LEVEL] control. For this reason, the recording level may change if you change the insert effect patch. Re-adjust the

tour Introductory