Basic operation of the track mixer


Adjusting the effect depth



[Mixer] Reference

At this time, your editing will affect the channel that was last selected in steps 2 – 3. As necessary, use the statue keys or the cursor [E]/[R] keys to switch channels.

5.Use the cursor [Q]/[W] keys to select the EQ parameter that you want to adjust, and turn the dial to edit the value.

The parameters that can be selected and their ranges are as follows.

If you pressed the [EQ HIGH] key first

EQ HI G : Adjust the amount of high-range boost/cut.

Range: -12 – 0 – 12 (dB), Default: 0

EQ HI F : Adjust the frequency at which the high-range boost/cut will occur.

Range: 500 – 18000 (Hz), Default: 8000

If you pressed the [EQ LOW] key first

EQ LO G : Adjust the amount of low-range boost/cut.

Range: -12 – 0 – 12 (dB), Default: 0

EQ LO F : Adjust the frequency at which the low-range boost/cut will occur.

Range: 40 – 1600 (Hz), Default: 125


When the EQ HI G / EQ HI F screens are displayed, you can press the [EQ HIGH] key to switch the high-range EQ on/off. (The key will be dark when off.)

When the EQ LO G / EQ LO F screens are displayed, you can press the [EQ LOW] key to switch the low-range EQ on/off. (The key will be dark when off.)

Here's how to adjust the effect depth by setting the volume that is sent from each channel to the send/return effects (chorus/delay, reverb).

1.Press the TRACK PARAMETER section [CHORUS/ DELAY SEND] key or [REVERB SEND] key to select a send/return effect.

2.Press one of the status keys (DRUM, BASS, 1 – 6, 7/8, 9/10) to select the desired channel.

The corresponding channel will be selected for operations.

3.Turn the dial to edit the value.

The effect will apply more deeply as you increase the value. The range and default setting of each parameter are as follows.

REV SEND : 0 – 100 (Default: 0)

CHO SEND : 0 – 100 (Default: 0)


When the CHORUS/DELAY SEND or REVERB SEND parameters are displayed, you can use the [CHORUS/ DELAY SEND] key or [REVERB SEND] key as an on/off switch for the signal that is sent from that channel to the reverb or chorus/delay. For details refer to p.48.

4.When you have finished adjusting settings, press the [EXIT] key.

You will return to the main screen.

6.Repeat steps 4 – 5 to adjust settings in the same way for another range or EQ parameter.

7.When you have finished adjusting settings, press the [EXIT] key.

You will return to the main screen.

Linking odd-numbered/even-numbered channels

Adjacent odd-numbered even-numbered mono channels (1/2, 3/4, 5/6) can be linked. (This is referred to as "stereo link.") The parameters of two stereo-linked channels will operate in tandem in the same way as channels 7/8 or 9/10.

1.Press the TRACK PARAMETER section [PAN] key.