Using V-takes

BOUxx-yy:A V-take recorded using the Bounce

5. When you have finished inputting the name, press


the [EXIT] key.

* xx will be the track number (1 – 10), and yy will be the V-

The name will be updated, and you will return to the screen

take number (1 – 10).

of step 2. If necessary, you can now edit the V-take name of


another track.


If an unrecorded V-take is selected, the V-take name area will indicate "NO DATA."

4.When you have finished switching V-takes, press the [EXIT] key.

The [V-TAKE] key will go dark, and you will return to the

main screen.

6.When you have finished editing, press the [EXIT] key.

You will return to the main screen.


If all recorded data is erased from a V-take, the name will revert to "NO DATA."

[Recorder] Reference

Editing the name of a V-take

A V-take that has been recorded will be automatically assigned a default name, but you can edit this V-take name as follows.

1.In the main screen, press the [V-TAKE] key.

A screen will appear in which you can switch the V-take of

each track.

2.Use the cursor [E]/[R] keys and the dial (or the status keys) to select the track (1 – 10) for which you want to edit the name of a V-take.

For details on how to select a track, refer to p.35.


It is not possible to edit the name of an unrecorded V- take (NO DATA).

The V-take name can be edited only for the V-take that is currently selected for each track 1 – 10.

3.Press the [EDIT] key.

The first character of the V-take name will blink.

4.Use the cursor [E]/[R] keys to move the blinking location, and turn the dial to change the character.

The following characters can be selected.

Numerals: 0 – 9

Letters: A – Z, a – z

Symbols: (space) ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { } ˜