Re-recording only a specified region (Punch-in/out function)

Re-recording only a specified region (Punch-in/out function)

Punch-in/out is a function that lets you re-record just a specified region of a previously recorded track. The action of switching a currently-playing track to record mode is called "punch-in," and the action of switching back from recording to playback is called "punch-out."

The MRS-1044 provides two ways to do this. You can use the panel keys or a foot switch (sold separately) to punch- in/out manually ("manual punch-in/out"), or cause punch- in/out to occur automatically at previously specified points ("auto punch-in/out").


When you use punch-in/out to re-record, the previously recorded material will be overwritten (replaced) by the newly recorded material. If you plan to compare the previous state with the result of punching-in/out, you must capture that track beforehand as Undo data (p.44).

4.Locate to a point several measures earlier than where you want to punch-in, and press the PLAY [R] key to begin playback.

5.When you come to the punch-in location, press the REC [O] key (or press the foot switch).

The REC [O] key will light, and recording will begin from

that location.

6.When you come to the punch-out location, press the REC [O] once again (or press the foot switch once again).

The REC [O] key will go dark, and recording will be

defeated from that point.

7.To stop the transport, press the STOP [P] key.

8.To check the newly recorded content, locate to the point of step 4, and press the PLAY [R] key.

Using manual punch-in/out

Here's how to use manual punch-in/out to re-record a

region of a previously recorded track.


If you want to use a foot switch (ZOOM FS01/FS02) to punch-in/out, connect the foot switch to the rear panel [FOOT SW] jack.


With the default settings of the MRS-1044, a foot switch connected to the [FOOT SW] jack is set to start/stop song playback. If you want to use the foot switch to punch- in/out, you must first change the internal setting (p.92).

1.Repeatedly press the status key of the track on which you want to punch-in/out, making the key light red.

2.Raise the fader of the corresponding channel to the 0 dB position.

3.While playing your instrument, use the [REC LEVEL] control to adjust the recording level.

As necessary, play back the recorder and use the faders of the mixer section to adjust the mix balance of your instrument and the playback of the tracks.

Using auto punch-in/out

Auto punch-in/out is a function that lets you specify beforehand the region to be re-recorded. Punch-in will occur automatically when you reach the starting location (in point), and punch-out will occur automatically when you reach the ending location (out point).

In point

Out point

Track Playback Recording Playback

In order to perform auto punch-in/out, use the [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] key to first specify the In point and Out point, and then perform the recording operation. The procedure is as follows.

1.On the channel for the track that you want to re- record, raise the fader to the 0 dB position.

2.While playing your instrument, use the [REC LEVEL] control to adjust the recording level.

3.Locate to the point at which you want to punch-in, and press the [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] key.

The [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] key will blink. This sets the

"In point" at which recording will begin.

[Recorder] Reference