Reference [MIDI]

This section explains the MIDI-related settings of the MRS-1044.

About MIDI

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a standard that allows messages such as performance data (collectively called "MIDI messages") to be exchanged between devices such as electronic musical instruments and computers. The MRS-1044 supports MIDI, and can transfer messages to and from another MIDI-compatible device via the [MIDI IN/OUT] connectors located on its rear panel.

receive Note messages from an external MIDI device in order to play a drum kit or bass program.

[MIDI OUT] connector

This connector transmits MIDI messages from the MRS- 1044. Note messages that represent the content played by a rhythm pattern or rhythm song are transmitted from this connector, as well as MIDI Timing Clock messages when the MRS-1044 is running.

What you can do using MIDI

On the MRS-1044, you can use MIDI for the following things

Play a drum kit / bass program from an externaldevice

Performance data can be sent from a MIDI keyboard or computer to the MRS-1044, to play a drum kit or bass program. When creating a rhythm pattern, you can also record a performance from an external MIDI device instead of using the pads.

Operate the MRS-1044 and an external MIDIdevice in synchronization

Synchronization messages called "(MIDI) Timing Clock" can be transmitted from the MRS-1044 to an external rhythm machine, sequencer, or similar MIDI device, so that the two devices will operate in synchronization.

About the MIDI connectors

The MRS-1044 has the following connectors in order to exchange MIDI messages with external MIDI devices.

[MIDI IN] connector

This connector receives MIDI messages that are sent from an external MIDI device. This connector is used mainly to

[MIDI] Reference