Reference [Project]

This section explains operations that affect an entire project.

About projects

On the MRS-1044, the data needed to reproduce a song you create is managed in units called "projects." A project contains the following data.

The data recorded on V-takes 1 – 10 of tracks 1 – 10

The current mixer settings

The settings saved in scene numbers 0 – 99

The numbers of the patches currently selected for the insert effect / send return effects

Insert effect and send/return effect patches (260 patches)

The recorded contents of the rhythm patterns (255 patterns)

The recorded contents of the rhythm song

The number of the drum kit and bass program currently selected by the drum and bass tracks

MIDI-related settings

The internal hard disk can store a maximum of 1,000 projects, as long as space is available. A project can be loaded at any time.


On the MRS-1044, recording/playback operations can be performed only for the currently loaded project. It is not possible to operate multiple projects simultaneously.

Project operations

This section explains operations such as loading or saving a project. The procedure is the same for most project operations. The basic procedure is as follows.

Basic procedure

1.In the main screen, press the [PROJECT/UTILITY] key.

The display will indicate "PROJECT."

2.Press the [ENTER] key.

The "project menu" will appear, allowing you to select the

desired project operation.

Project menu item

3.Use the cursor [E]/[R] keys to select one of the following operations, and press the [ENTER] key.

PROJECT SELECT: Load a previously saved project from the internal hard disk.

PROJECT NEW: Create a new project.

PROJECT SIZE: View the size of the currently loaded project.

PROJECT COPY: Duplicate a specified project on the hard disk.

PROJECT ERASE: Erase a specified project from the hard disk.

PROJECT NAME: Edit the name of the currently loaded project.

PROJECT PROTECT: Write-protect the currently loaded project.

PROJECT STORE: Store the currently loaded project.

[Project] Reference