Re-recording only a specified region (Punch-in/out function)

[Recorder] Reference


4.Locate to the point at which you want to punch- out, and press the [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] button once again.

This sets the "Out point" at which recording will end. The [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] button will change from blinking to solidly lit. This indicates that the auto punch- in/out function is now enabled.



If you want to specify the in/out points precisely, it is convenient to use the Scrub function (p.31) to find the locations and assign a mark (p.29) beforehand at the desired locations.

5.Locate the recorder to a spot earlier than the In point.

6.Repeatedly press the status key for the track on which you want to punch-in/out, until the key blinks red.


A status key that is lit red means that the current location is between the In point and Out point. In this case, operate the transport once again to locate to a point that is earlier than the In point.

7.If you want to rehearse the auto punch-in/out, press the PLAY [R] key.

The recorder will begin playing. When you reach the In point, the track on which you are punching-in/out will be muted. When you reach the Out point, muting will be defeated. (You will always be able to monitor the input signal during this time.) Performing this action will not record anything on the track.

When you are finished rehearsing, move once again to a location earlier than the In point.

8.To actually perform auto punch-in/out, hold down the REC [O] key and press the PLAY [R] key.

When you reach the In point, recording will begin automatically (punch-in). When you reach the Out point, recording will end automatically, and playback will resume (punch-out).

9.When you are finished recording, press the STOP [P] key.

10.To check the recorded content, press the status key of the track on which you punched-in/out, making the status key light green. Then locate to a point earlier than the In-point, and press the PLAY [R] key.

If you want to re-do the recording, repeat steps 5 – 8.

11.When you are satisfied with the recording, press the [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] key.

The [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] key will go dark, and the Auto Punch-in/out function will be turned off. (The In point and Out point settings will be discarded.)


By using Auto Punch-in/out in conjunction with the A-B Repeat function (p.32), you can automatically return to the punch-in point after punching-out, and listen to the recorded content. To do this, set the In/Out points, and then set point A and point B outside this region, and enable A-B Repeat.