Prestige 2602HW Series User’s Guide

Figure 32 Wireless LAN: 802.1x/WPA for WPA-PSK Protocol

The following table describes the labels not previously discussed.

Table 20 Wireless LAN: 802.1x/WPA for WPA-PSK Protocol





Key Management

Choose WPA-PSKin this field.



Pre-Shared Key

The encryption mechanisms used for WPA and WPA-PSKare the same. The


only difference between the two is that WPA-PSKuses a simple common


password, instead of user-specific credentials.


Type a pre-shared key from 8 to 63 case-sensitive ASCII characters (including


spaces and symbols).

WPA Mixed Mode

The Prestige can operate in WPA Mixed Mode, which supports both clients


running WPA and clients running dynamic WEP key exchange with 802.1x in the


same Wi-Fi network.


Select the check box to activate WPA mixed mode. Otherwise, clear the check


box and configure the Group Data Privacy field.

Group Data Privacy

Group Data Privacy allows you to choose TKIP (recommended) or WEP for


broadcast and multicast ("group") traffic if the Key Management Protocol is


WPA and WPA Mixed Mode is disabled. WEP is used automatically if you have


enabled WPA Mixed Mode.


All unicast traffic is automatically encrypted by TKIP when WPA or WPA-PSK


Key Management Protocol is selected.


This field is only visible when WPA Mixed Mode is enabled.




Chapter 6 Wireless LAN Setup