ES-2048 User’s Guide

Figure 78 Firmware Upgrade

Type the path and file name of the firmware file you wish to upload to the switch in the File Path text box or click Browse to locate it. After you have specified the file, click Upgrade.

After the firmware upgrade process is complete, see the System Info screen to verify your current firmware version number.

23.6 Restore a Configuration File

Restore a previously saved configuration from your computer to the switch using the Restore Configuration screen.

Figure 79 Restore Configuration

Type the path and file name of the configuration file you wish to restore in the File Path text box or click Browse to display the Choose File screen (below) from which you can locate it. After you have specified the file, click Restore. "config" is the name of the configuration file on the switch, so your backup configuration file is automatically renamed when you restore using this screen.

23.7 Backup a Configuration File

Backing up your switch configurations allows you to create various “snap shots” of your device from which you may restore at a later date.


Chapter 23 Maintenance