Table 76 mvr Commands
mvr <1- |
| Enters the MVR (Multicast VLAN | 13 |
4094> |
| Registration) configuration mode. |
| Sets the source port(s). | 13 | |
| An MVR source port can send and |
| |
| receive multicast traffic in a |
| multicast VLAN. |
| Sets the receiver port(s). | 13 | |
| An MVR receiver port can only |
| |
| receive multicast traffic in a |
| multicast VLAN. |
| inactive |
| Disables MVR settings. | 13 |
| mode |
| Sets the MVR mode (dynamic or | 13 |
| <dynamiccompati |
| compatible). |
| ble> |
| name |
| Sets the MVR name for | 13 |
| identification purposes. |
| tagged <port- |
| Sets the port(s) to tag VLAN tags. | 13 |
| list> |
| group |
| Sets the multicast group range for | 13 |
| the MVR. |
| |
| <ip> |
| <ip> |
| exit |
| Exist from the MVR configuration | 13 |
| mode. |
| Sets a priority level | 13 | |
| the switch changes the priority in |
| |
| outgoing IGMP control packets. |
| no |
| Disables the source port(s). | 13 |
| An MVR source port can send and |
| |
| receive multicast traffic in a |
| multicast VLAN. |
| no |
| Disables the receiver port(s). | 13 |
| An MVR receiver port can only |
| |
| receive multicast traffic in a |
| multicast VLAN. |
| no tagged <port- |
| Sets the port(s) to untag VLAN | 13 |
| list> |
| tags. |
| no inactive |
| Enables MVR. | 13 |
| no group |
| Disables all MVR group settings. | 13 |
| no group <name- |
| Disables the specified MVR group | 13 |
| str> |
| setting. |
Chapter 31 Introducing Commands | 239 |