queue weight 142
queuing 29, 141 SPQ 142 WFQ 142 WRR 142
queuing algorithm 141, 144 queuing method 141, 144
rack mounting 38
RADIUS 131 advantages 131 network example 131 server 131 settings 133
setup 133
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service)
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP). See STP 105 rear panel 42
load configuration 171 reboot system 171
registration product 6
related documentation 27
remote management 188 service 189
trusted computers 189 reset 53
to factory default settings 170 restore configuration 53 restoring configuration 172 RFC 3164 193
RFC 3580 132
Round Robin Scheduling 142 RSTP (Rapid STP) see STP RSTP See STP 105
safety warnings 4 saving configuration 52 Secure Shell See SSH
service access control 187 service port 188
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 178
SNMP 178 agent 178 and MIB 178 communities 180 management model 178 manager 178
MIB 179
network components 178 object variables 178 protocol operations 178 setup 180
traps 179
versions supported 178 SNMP traps 179
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), See also STP 105 SPQ (Strict Priority Queuing) 142
encryption methods 183 how it works 182 implementation 183
SSH (Secure Shell) 182
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 184 standby ports 125
static MAC address 30, 99 static MAC forwarding 91, 99
static routes 161
cost of transmission 161 TCP/IP parameters 161
static VLAN 86 control 88 tagging 88
port details 63 STP 107 trunking 127 VLAN 84
status screen 48
STP 105 bridge ID 107 bridge priority 110 configuration 108 designated bridge 106 forwarding delay 110 Hello BPDU 106 Hello Time 107, 110 how it works 106 Max Age 107, 110 path cost 105, 110 port priority 110
port state 106
Index | 307 |