Table of Contents
1. Introduction | 6 |
1.1. Introduction to the User Guide | 6 |
1.2. Introduction to the LUFP7 Gateway | 7 |
1.3. Terminology | 7 |
1.4. Notational Conventions | 8 |
1.5. Additional Documentation | 9 |
1.6. Introduction to the Communication “System” Architecture | 9 |
1.7.Principle Used to Configure and Operate the LUFP7 Gateway
2.Hardware Implementation of the LUFP7
Gateway | 13 |
2.1. On Receipt | 13 |
2.2. Introduction to the LUFP7 Gateway | 13 |
2.3. Mounting the Gateway on a DIN Rail | 14 |
2.4. Powering the Gateway | 14 |
2.5. Connecting the Gateway to the Modbus Network | 15 |
2.5.1. Examples of Modbus Connection Topologies | 15 |
2.5.2. Pin Outs | 17 |
2.5.3. Wiring Recommendations for the Modbus Network | 18 |
2.6. Connecting the LUFP7 gateway to the | |
.............................................................................................. | 19 |
2.6.1. Pin Outs | 19 |
2.6.2. Wiring Recommendations for the | |
2.7. Configuring the | 22 |
2.7.1. Encoding the Gateway Address | 22 |
2.7.2. No Internal Line Termination | 22 |
3. Signalling | 23 |
4. Software Implementation of the Gateway | 24 |
4.1. Introduction | 24 |
4.1.1. System Architecture | 24 |
4.1.2. Configuring the Motor Starters | 25 |
4.1.3. Modbus Cycle Time | 25 |
4.1.4. Managing Degraded Modes | 25 |
4.2. Gateway Configuration under PL7 PRO and SyCon | 26 |
4.2.1.Setting Up the Hardware Configuration under PL7 PRO
........................................................................................ 26
4.2.2. Creating a | 27 |
4.2.3. Selecting and Adding the | 27 |
4.2.4. Setting up the Gateway Description Files | 28 |
4.2.5. Selecting and Adding the Gateway to the |
Network | 29 |
4.2.6. Editing and Configuring the Gateway | 29 |
4.2.7. Saving and Exporting the |
Configuration | 31 |
4.2.8. Importing the Configuration of the |
under PL7 PRO | 31 |
4.2.9. Configuring the Gateway I/O under PL7 PRO | 32 |
4.2.10. Description of Services Assigned to Gateway |
Inputs/Outputs | 34 |
4.2.11. Validating and Saving the Configuration of the |
TSX BP 100 Coupler | 35 |
4.2.12.Allocating Symbols to the Gateway Inputs and Outputs
........................................................................................ 35
4.2.13.Using and Monitoring the TSX PBY 100 Coupler
Configuration | 36 |
4.2.14. Developing a | 36 |
5. Gateway Initialization and Diagnostics | 37 |
5.1. Full Management | 37 |
5.1.1. | 38 |
5.1.2. Gateway Status Word | 40 |
5.2. Diagnostic Only | 41 |
5.2.1. Gateway Status Word | 41 |
5.2.2. | 43 |
5.3. Simplified Operation | 43 |
6. Configuring the Gateway | 44 |
6.1. Connecting the Gateway to the Configuration PC | 44 |
6.1.1. Pin Outs | 45 |
6.1.2. | 45 |
6.2. Installing AbcConf | 46 |
6.3. Importing the Gateway Configuration | 46 |
6.4. Transferring a Configuration to the Gateway | 47 |
6.5. Monitoring the Content of the Gateway’s Memory | 47 |
6.6. Deleting a Modbus Slave | 49 |
6.7. Adding a Modbus Slave | 50 |
6.8. Changing the Periodic Data Exchanged with a Modbus Slave | 10 | |
.............................................................................................. | 52 | |
6.8.1. Replacing a periodic input data element | 52 |
6.8.2. Replacing an Output Periodic Data Element | 53 |
6.8.3. Increasing the Amount of Periodic Input Data | 54 |
6.8.4. Increasing the Amount of Periodic Output Data | 58 |
6.9. Deleting Aperiodic Parameter Data | 63 |
6.10. Changing a Modbus Slave Configuration | 67 |
6.10.1. Changing the name of a Modbus slave | 67 |
6.10.2. Changing the Address of a Modbus slave | 67 |
6.11. Adding and Setting Up a Modbus Command | 68 |
6.11.1. With the TeSys U Motor Starters | 68 |
6.11.2. With a Generic Modbus Slave | 70 |
| Managing degraded modes | 71 |
| Configuring the Query | 72 |
| Configuring the Response | 75 |
| Configuring the Content of the Query Frame | 76 |
| Configuring the Content of the Response Frame... | 78 |
6.11.3. Adding a Special Modbus Command | 80 |
| Commands Based on Standard Commands
...............................................................................80 Commands which Can Be Completely
Changed by the User | 80 |
6.12. Configuring the General Characteristics of the Gateway.... | 81 |
6.12.1. “Fieldbus” Element | 81 |
6.12.2. “ABC” Element | 82 |
6.12.3. | 83 |
6.13. Adding a Broadcaster Node | 85 |
7. Appendix A: Technical Characteristics | 86 |
7.1. Environment | 86 |
7.2. Communication Characteristics | 86 |
8. Appendix B: LUFP7 Gateway GSD File | 90 |
8.1. Identification Number | 90 |
8.2. GSD File Content | 90 |
9. Appendix C: Default Configuration | 93 |
10. Appendix C: Default Configuration | 94 |
10.1. Configuring Modbus Exchanges | 94 |
10.2. Content of the Gateway’s DPRAM Memory | 95 |
10.2.1. Input Data Memory Area | 95 |
10.2.2. Output Data Memory Area | 96 |
10.2.3. Total Number of Modbus Queries and Responses | 96 |
11. Appendix D: Sample Use under PL7 PRO | 97 |
11.1. Overview of the “LUFP7 - Tutorial Example” | 97 |
11.2. LUFP7 Gateway Initialization and Diagnostics | 98 |
11.3.Controlling and Supervising the 8 TeSys U Motor Starters
11.4.Reading and Writing any TeSys U Motor Starter Parameter
12.Appendix E:
........................................................................ | 104 |
12.1. Gateway | 104 |
12.2. Gateway Configuration Data | 105 |
12.3. General Gateway Information | 106 |
13. Appendix F: Modbus Commands | 108 |
13.1. “Read Holding Registers” Command (16#03) | 109 |
13.2. “Preset Single Register” Command (16#06) | 109 |
13.3. “Preset Multiple Registers” Command (16#10) | 110 |
13.4. Modbus Protocol Exception Responses | 110 |