6. Configuring the Gateway
2)Deleting the read command for a parameter: Select the personalized “Transactions 1” command and delete it with the “Del” key (or “Delete” from the menu whose name corresponds to the name of the selected node). A request for confirmation appears, asking you whether or not to proceed deleting the “Transactions 1” command. In this case confirm with the “Yes” button.
3)Deleting the write command for a parameter: Back in the main AbcConf window, the “Transactions 1” command has been deleted. The second personalised command, “Transactions 2” is automatically renamed “Transactions 1”, but retains all of its setup. Now delete this one in the same way as you did with the previous command.
4)Checking the new memory occupation: If you wish to check how much of the gateway’s memory is now occupied, select