Samsung SCD77, SCD75, SCD 73 manual Troubleshooting, Symptom Explanation/Solution

Page 93





















Resolución de problemas


If these instructions do not allow you to solve the problem, contact your


Si estas instrucciones no le permiten resolver su problema, póngase

nearest authorized service center.


en contacto con el servicio autorizado más próximo.















You cannot switch the

Check the battery pack or the AC Power Adapter.



No puede encender

Verifique la batería o el adaptador de corriente CA.



camcorder on.




la videocámara.










Check the POWER switch is set to CAMERA.




Verifique que el interruptor POWER esté en la posición


does not operate while

You have reached the end of the cassette.



no funciona durante la filmación.




Check the record protection tab on the cassette.




Ha llegado al final del casete.





Verifique la pestaña de protección contra filmación del



The camcorder goes off

You have left the camcorder set to STBY for more











than 5 minutes without using it.








La videocámara se apaga

Ha dejado la videocámara en STBY durante más de





The battery pack is fully exhausted.




5 minutos sin utilizarla.


The battery pack is

The atmospheric temperature is too low.




La batería está completamente descargada.


quickly exhausted.

The battery pack has not been charged fully.



La batería se gasta

La temperatura atmosférica es demasiado baja.




The battery pack is completely dead, and cannot




La batería no se ha cargado completamente.




be recharged, Use another battery pack.




La batería está completamente agotada y no se puede







volver a cargar. Utilice otra batería.



When you see a blue

The video heads may be dirty.







Cuando vea una pantalla azul

Los cabezales del vídeo pueden estar sucios.



screen during playback.

Clean the head with a cleaning tape.






durante la reproducción.

Limpie los cabezales con una cinta de limpieza.


A vertical strip appears

The contrast between the subject and the








Aparece una línea vertical en

El contraste entre el motivo y el fondo



on the screen when

background is too great for the camcorder to



la pantalla cuando filma sobre

es demasiado grande para que la videocámara pueda


recording a dark

operate normally. Make the background bright to



un fondo oscuro.

funcionar con normalidad.



reduce the contrast or use the BLC function while




Aclare el fondo para reducir el contraste o




you are recording brighter.




utilice la función BLC mientras filma.






La imagen del visor

No se han ajustado las lentes del visor.



The image in the

The Viewfinder lens has not been adjusted.






Ajuste la palanca del control del visor hasta que los indi-



viewfinder is blurred.

Adjust the viewfinder control lever until the



se ve borrosa.





cadores que aparecen en el visor se vean nítidamente.




indicators displayed on the viewfinder come into












El enfoque automático no

Verifique el menú M.FOCUS.





sharp focus.









El enfoque automático no funciona en modo de



Auto focus does not

Check the M.FOCUS menu. Auto focus does not




enfoque manual.



work in the Manual Focus mode.



Los botones Play, FF o REW

Verifique el interruptor POWER.



Play, FF or REW button

Check the POWER switch.



no funcionan.

Ponga el interruptor de encendido en la posición PLAYER.


does not work.

Set the power switch to PLAYER.




Ha llegado al principio o al final del casete.




Cuando vea la imagen de un

Se trata de una característica de la videocámara y no





You have reached the beginning or end of the









bloque discontinuo durante

es ninguna anomalía ni defecto.












When you see the bro-

It is the characteristic of this camcorder and it is













ken block image during

not a failure or defect.






































Image 93
Contents SCD73/D75/D77 Videocá mara digitalContents Contenido Photo Playing back a Tape Reproducción de una cintaAvisos relativos al giro de la pantalla LCD Avisos e instrucciones de seguridadAvisos relativos al derecho de propiedad intelectual Avisos relativos a la condensación de la humedadAvisos relativos a la Videocámara Avisos relativos a la batería Avisos relativos a la limpieza del cabezal del vídeoEspañ OL Aviso relativo a las lentes Avisos relativos al visor electrónicoAvisos relativos a la correa de mano Aviso relativo al Foco de Iluminación del Vídeo Should any battery be swallowed, consult a doctorImmediately Inmediato PeligroFeatures Características Getting to Know Your Camcorder Conozca su videocá maraPhoto Accesorios bá sicos Basic AccessoriesFront & Left View Getting to Know Your CamcorderVista frontal e izquierda LensSpeaker Left Side View Vista lateral izquierda12 3. Speaker AltavozRight & Top View DV IN/OUTVideo out Menu Dial Rear & Bottom View Vista posterior e inferiorRemote control Mando a distancia Zoom position see Activar/Desactivar el OSD Turning OSD on/offTurning on/off the DATE/TIME Activar y desactivar la fecha y la horaFilmació n automá tica utilizando el mando a distancia Self Record using the Remote ControlEjemplo Escena con todos los miembros de su familia Example Scene with all members of your familyCamera Preparing Preparació nHand strap PreparingShoulder Strap Correa de manoConnecting a Power Source Conexión a la fuente de energía Para seleccionar el modo Camcorder só lo en SCD75/D77Camcorder Adapter from the camcorder Charging the Lithium Ion Battery PackDe batería Preparing Preparació nBattery level display Tips for Battery IdentificationEl visualizador del nivel de batería indica la Có mo guardar una cinta Basic Recording Filmación básica Making your First Recording Filmando por primera vezEspañol Edit Search Edit +Edit Recording with Viewfinder Recording with the LCD monitorFilmar utilizando la pantalla LCD Filmar utilizando el visorUsing the Viewfinder Uso del Visor Adjusting the LCDAdjusting the Focus Ajustar el enfoqueStop Volume Control Adjusting the LCD during PlayControl del volumen Ajuste de la pantalla LCD durante la reproducciónSet the camcorder to Camera or Player mode Using the Various Functions Uso de diversas funcionesAdvanced Recording Ponga la videocámara en modo Camera o PlayerFunciones digitales Advanced Recording Filmación avanzadaCustom SET LCD AdjustDIS, PIP, D.ZOOM, Program AE, DSE, SHUTTER, Iris Camera OFFEnter DIS Estabilizador digital de imagenPIP Imagen a imagen PIP Picture-in-PictureZooming In and Out Digital Zoom Advanced Recording Filmació n avanzadaProgram AE Desea filmar y el efecto que desea obtener Selecting an effect DSE SelectGREEN/BLUE/YELLOW Balance White Balance BalanceWhite Balance Speed ShutterIris REC Mode PlayerMode REC Lamp Wind CUTREC Lamp Audio Mode Audio ModeMain SOUND1 Display DATE/TIME DATE/TIMEDemo SamsungClock SET Clock SETComplete Easy DISEasy MENU, BLC, FADE, MF/AFCustom Mode Modo de filmación Custom CustomCustom SET Manual Focusing Auto FocusingEnfoque automá tico MF/AFBLC BLC Back Light Compensation BLC Compensación de contraluzTo Start Recording Fade In and Out Entrada y salida gradualTo Stop Recording Use Fade in / Fade OUTRecord the sound again using MIC dubbing Audio dubbing Doblaje de sonidoPlay DUB Menu ON/OFF Playing back dubbed AudioAudio SEL MIXPhoto Photo ModeSearching for Photo picture Taking a still pictureTomar una foto fija Buscar imá genes PhotoFilmació n avanzada After Recording Después de filmar Lighting Techniques Técnicas de iluminaciónGeneral recording Downward recording Various Recording Techniques Diversas técnicas de filmaciónUpward recording Self recordPlaying back a tape Reproducción de una cinta Connecting to a TV which has Audio and Video input jackTo watch with the LCD Para ver en la pantalla LCD To watch with a TV monitor Para ver en el monitor de TVPlaying back a tape Connecting to a TV which has no Audio and Video input jackPlayback Reproducción PlayerPicture search Forward/Reverse Playback pauseSlow playback Forward/Reverse Pausa en la reproducciónX2 Playback Forward/Reverse Frame advance To playback frame by frameADV Zero Memory Retorno a cero Zero MemoryConnecting to a PC Connecting with DV deviceConexión al dispositivo DV Conexión a un PCIeee 1394 Data Transfer Transferencia de datos Ieee Recording with DV connecting cableSystem requirement Requisitos del sistema Filmación con un cable de conexión DVTransferring Digital Image by USB Connection USB interface Interfaz USBUSB interface Next Slide Connection with PC Conexión a un PCDSC Delete SlideEnglish Español Tarjeta SmartMedia y memoria incorporada Digital Still Camera mode SCD75/D77 onlyEjecting card Expulsión de la tarjeta Inserting card Inserción de la tarjetaFormat of images Formato de las imágenes Selección de la calidad de la imagen Selección de Photo Mode Photo Mode selectSeleccione la calidad de la imagen Select the quality of imageStart Recording images to a card or memoryViewing Still images Visualización de imágenes fijas You can protect important images from accidental erasure Memory La memoria incorporada Deleting Still images Supresión de imágenes fijasDpof Selected ALL1ALL0 Set the power switch to Camera mode Modo Camera ALL Maintenance Mantenimiento After finishing a recording Al terminar la filmaciónOFF Cleaning the Video Heads Cleaning the viewfinderUsing Your Camcorder Abroad Power sourcesColor system Troubleshooting Resolución de problemas Resolución de problemasSelf Diagnosis Display Informs that Action Aparece Symptom Explanation/Solution TroubleshootingSpecifications Especificaciones Model name SCD73/D75/D77 Nombre de modelo SCD73/D75/D77System Sistema General Índice Samsung Electronics’ Internet Home This Camcorder is Manufactured by

SCD 73, SCD77, SCD75 specifications

The Samsung SCD75, SCD77, and SCD73 are part of a series of compact camcorders that cater to both amateur and semi-professional filmmakers. Released in the early 2000s, these devices were designed to simplify video recording while incorporating advanced features that enhance the overall user experience.

The SCD75 and SCD77 models come equipped with a 1/6-inch CCD sensor that provides an impressive resolution for high-quality video capture. Both models support a maximum resolution of 640 x 480 pixels in standard mode, making them suitable for personal home videos and basic event recording. The CCD sensor is known for its ability to maintain image clarity and prevent motion blur, particularly in well-lit environments.

One of the standout features of these camcorders is the 22x optical zoom lens. This allows users to capture distant subjects with impressive detail while retaining image quality. Coupled with digital zoom capabilities, these camcorders provide versatility in framing shots, whether capturing a large landscape or zooming in on a specific subject.

The SCD77 further enhances the user experience with its progressive scan feature, delivering smoother motion and improved video quality. The camcorders also share a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate through various settings and options. An intuitive LCD screen provides clear visibility while recording or reviewing footage, ensuring that users can easily monitor their work.

Connectivity is another area where the SCD series shines. Users can connect the camcorders to televisions and other devices via a built-in composite output, facilitating easy playback of recorded content. The SCD75, SCD77, and SCD73 are also equipped with a built-in microphone and speaker for straightforward audio capture and playback, which is essential for a comprehensive recording experience.

Battery life is a critical consideration for any portable device, and these models perform well in this regard. With efficient power management, the camcorders allow for extended shooting sessions, making them a great option for longer events or travel.

Overall, the Samsung SCD75, SCD77, and SCD73 represent a solid choice for users seeking reliable and high-quality video recording capabilities. Their features, together with Samsung's dedication to innovation, create a user-friendly experience that allows both beginners and enthusiasts to capture memorable moments with ease.