M4557 - Model 9210 Nitriding Controller
•The Alm Ack acknowledges any active alarm, in most cases it will be acknowledging End of Cycle. The alarm must be acknowledged to allow the program to go to the next step, turning EVENT 1 (End of Soak) Off, and stopping the program.
•The Esc button returns you to the default display screen.
The Chart display shows between 15 minutes and 7 days of process variable data on the screen, and can be scrolled back to view all of the data stored on the hard drive (72 hours at a time). The vertical timelines change as the time changes on the screen. A chart is available for the “LP1 and LP2” only and a chart is available for the ”LP1 and LP2 plus their setpoints”. You can toggle between the two charts by pressing the Prev and Next keys. Note that LP1 relates to %Dissocation/Kn and LP2 relates to the Furnace Temperature.
The Prev and Next buttons change the display from one chart to another (i.e. from just process variables to process variables and setpoints.)
The blue Right and Left arrow buttons move the
displayed chart along the horizontal axis, going back and forward in time and then returning to real time. The + and – buttons change the time window displayed on the screen.
The Note key allows the operator to enter a note on the chart, similar to writing on a paper chart. The note shows up when the chart is printed out using the utility software included with the Series 9200 instrumentation. The interface must be the Advantech 5.7 inch with the flash card.
Pressing the Note button displays an alpha/numeric keypad. Pressing the Edit button will allow the operator to enter the ID/initials. Pressing the <- Enter button will set the entered text. Pressing the next Edit button will allow the operator to enter the note. The operator can also determine where the note will be written. The default choice is the current time and date. You can change the parameters and place the note at whatever time and date is required. Pressing the Save button takes you back to the real time chart page.
The View key allows you to look at the notes that have been stored with the chart.
The Realtime button will place the chart in realtime mode. Pressing the left or right arrows will take the chart out of realtime.
The Esc button will return the operator to the main display screen.
Alarm Ack
The Alarm Ack button opens the Active Alarms screen and allows the operator to acknowledge any alarms that have been configured, or that have been made part of the recipes that run on the Series 9210. If a recipe has an alarm as a step, the alarm must be acknowledged before the recipe will continue from that particular step.
Data Logging using Flash Card
SSi Manual SERIES | Page 18 of 18 |