M4557 - Model 9210 Nitriding Controller
user the ability to offset any input on any ADAM module for up to five ADAM modules. There are eight inputs per module. The offset can be in degrees + or
AUX SP Configuration
This menu is used to setup and assign a setpoint to be transmitted to a slave instrument. The Offset and Delay Time parameters are used to modify the setpoint and when it is sent to the slave instrument. This feature is limited to Slave Instruments 1, 2, and 3. This menu option is typically used to retransmit an alarm setpoint value to an overtemp controller.
The “Retrans to Slave 1”, “Retrans to Slave 2”, and “Retrans to Slave 3” menu options each have four options to select: Off, Loop 1, Loop 2, or Loop 3. These options will allow the user to select which, if
any, values to retransmit to the selected slave instrument.
The “Setpoint Offset Sl 1”, “Setpoint Offset Sl 2”, and “Setpoint Offset Sl 3” menu options can be a number between
The “Setpoint Delay Sl 1”, “Setpoint Delay Sl 2”, and “Setpoint Delay Sl 3” menu options can be a number between
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