| System Reporting Information |
EN 67
An RF Receiver Trouble Report (Contact ID Event Code 355) is sent to the base station receiver when the RF receiver registers one of these events:
RF Signal Jamming (Point ID Code 001)
RF Receiver Tamper Switch (Point ID Code 002) RF Receiver Failure (Point ID Code 003)
15.11RF Receiver Trouble Restore Report
Location | 398 to 399 |
| Location | Default |
Tens digit | 398 | 7 |
Units digit | 399 | 11 |
An RF Receiver Trouble Restore Report is sent to the base station receiver when the RF receiver no longer registers RF Signal Jamming, RF Receiver Tamper Switch, or RF Receiver Failure.
15.12 RF Dialer Options
Location 400
0No report allowed
1 Report to Receiver 1
2 Report to Receiver 2
4Report to both Receiver 1 and Receiver 2
8 Report to Receiver 2 only if Receiver 1 fails
Location 400 is set by default to report only to Receiver 1. You can select whether Zone Status Reports are sent to Receiver 1, Receiver 2, or both, Receiver 2 only when Receiver 1 fails, or there is no reporting at all.
15.13 Open/Close Reports
Location 401 to 402
| Location | Default |
Open Report | 401 | 11 |
Close Report | 402 | 12 |
An Opening Report (Contact ID Event Code 401) is sent to the base station receiver when the system is disarmed from AWAY Mode. A Closing Report (Contact ID Event Code 401) is sent at the end of Exit Time when the system is armed in AWAY Mode.
If an expanded format is selected, this code is used as the Expansion Code and the user number that armed or disarmed the system follows in the same transmission.
To enable Open and Close Reports in STAY Mode:
Select Option 2 in Location 178 (refer to Section 12.2 Dialer Options 2 on page 53). To enable Open and Close Reports only after a previous alarm, select Option 1 in Location 178.
If Open and Close Reports are not required, program Locations 401 and 402 as 0.
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15.14 Open/Close Reporting Options
Location 403
0No Open/Close Reports allowed
1 Report to Receiver 1
2 Report to Receiver 2
4 Report to both Receiver 1 and Receiver 2
8 Report to Receiver 2 only if Receiver 1 fails
Location 403 is set by default to report only to Receiver 1. You can select whether Open and Close Reports are sent to Receiver 1, Receiver 2, or both, Receiver 2 only when Receiver 1 fails, or no reporting.
15.15 Codepad Duress Report
Location 404
Default 6
A Duress Report (Contact ID Event Code 121) is sent to the base station receiver when 9 is added to the end of any valid User Code used to disarm the system. This alarm is always silent. A Duress Alarm can be activated during Exit Time. In other words, if the system is armed and then disarmed by adding 9 to the end of the User Code before Exit Time expires, a Codepad Duress Report is transmitted. Adding 9 to the end of a User Code when arming the system does not cause a Duress Alarm.
If you want a 3 to activate a Codepad Duress Alarm instead of 9, select Option 2 in Location 498 (refer to Section 18.7 Consumer Options 3 on page 83).
Restore Reports are not sent for this event.
If Codepad Duress Reports are not required, program Location 404 as 0.
15.16 Codepad Panic Report
Location | 405 to 406 |
| Location | Default |
Tens digit | 405 | 7 |
Units digit | 406 | 15 |
A Panic Alarm Report (Contact ID Event Code 120) is sent to the base station receiver when a user presses either [1] and [3] or [STAY] and [AWAY] at the same time. A Panic Alarm is audible, but you can program the alarm as silent by selecting Option 1 in Location 493 (refer to Section 18.2 System Options 2 on page 81).