| System Reporting Information |
EN 69
15.24System Status – Low Battery Report
Location | 420 to 421 |
| Location | Default |
Tens digit | 420 | 10 |
Units digit | 421 | 1 |
A Battery Test Failure Report (Contact ID Event Code 309) is sent to the base station receiver when the system’s battery voltage falls below 11.2 VDC or when a Dynamic Battery Test detects a low capacity battery.
The control panel continually monitors the battery voltage. Refer to Section 3.13 Fault Descriptions on page 18 for more information. A Dynamic Battery Test is done every time the system is armed and every 4 hours after the control panel is powered up.
If Low Battery Reports are not required, program Locations 420 and 421 as 0.
15.25System Status – Low Battery Restore Report
Location | 422 to 423 |
| Location | Default |
Tens digit | 422 | 10 |
Units digit | 423 | 6 |
A Low Battery Restore Report is sent if the backup battery is restored the next time the system is armed, or when the next Dynamic Battery Test reports the battery test is OK.
If Low Battery Restore Reports are not required, program Locations 422 and 423 as 0.
15.26 System Status – Access Denied
Location 424 to 426
| Location | Default |
Code Retry Limit | 424 | 6 |
(0 = Unlimited) |
Tens Digit | 425 | 7 |
Units Digit | 426 | 12 |
An Access Denied Report (Contact ID Event Code
421)is sent to the base station receiver when the number of incorrect code attempts equals the number programmed in Location 424. An Access Denied Alarm is audible, but you can program the alarm as silent by selecting Option 8 in Location 493 (refer to Section 18.2 System Options 2 on page 81).
Restore Reports for this event are not transmitted.
If Access Denied Reports are not required, program Locations 424 and 425 as 0.
Code Retries
The Code Retries feature restricts the number of times an invalid User Code can be entered in an attempt to operate the system. Location 424 sets the number of incorrect code attempts that causes an alarm. When the number of incorrect code attempts equals the number programmed in this location, the system performs these actions:
•Activates the sirens, internal screamers, and strobes connected to the control panel. Select Option 8 in Location 493 (refer to Section 18.2 System Options 2 on page 81) to change this alarm to silent.
•Shuts down all codepads connected to the control panel and locks them out for the time period programmed in Location 478 (refer to Section 17.8 Codepad Lockout Time).
•Sends an Access Denied Report (Contact ID Event Code 421) to the base station receiver.
Each time the system is armed or disarmed, the Code Retries counter is reset. You can program the counter to a value from 1 to 15. If you want the number of incorrect code attempts to be unlimited, program a 0 in Location 424. In this case, the Access Denied Report is never generated and the system does not perform the three actions listed above. This function works when the system is armed or disarmed.
15.27 System Status Reporting Options
Location 427
0No report allowed
1 Report to Receiver 1
2 Report to Receiver 2
4Report to both Receiver 1 and Receiver 2
8 Report to Receiver 2 only if Receiver 1 fails
Location 427 is set by default to report only to Receiver 1. You can select whether System Status Reports are sent to Receiver 1, Receiver 2, or both, Receiver 2 only when Receiver 1 fails, or no reporting.
15.28 Test Reporting Time
Location 428 to 434
| Location | Default |
Hour of day (tens digit) | 428 | 0 |
Hour of day (units digit) | 429 | 0 |
Minute of day (tens digit) | 430 | 0 |
Minute of day (units digit) | 431 | 0 |
Test Report (tens digit) | 432 | 7 |
Test Report (units digit) | 433 | 1 |
Repeat interval in days | 434 | 0 |
A Test Report (Contact ID Event Code 602) is a specific signal sent to the base station receiver and is normally used to test the dialing and reporting functions of the control panel.