Agilent Technologies 54622D, 54624A 9999, Calibrating and Adjusting, To adjust the power supply

Models: 54621A 54622A 54622D 54621D 54624A

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Figure 4-1

Table 4-2

Calibrating and Adjusting

To adjust the power supply

2 Locate the power￿((￿￿￿-supply￿￿￿￿(-￿￿￿voltages-￿￿￿-￿￿￿at E204, E205, E207, and E208 on the system board. (￿￿￿

The power supply voltages are not labeled on the system board. See

Figure 4-1 for the locations.

Power Supply Voltage Tolerancesmeasure at J4 on the power supply board￿￿￿￿￿￿9Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual background￿￿￿￿9Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual background￿￿￿￿9Manual background￿￿￿￿9Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundManual background

Low Voltage Power Supply Voltages (on the bottom of the oscilloscope)

3Make sure that the voltage measurements are within the tolerances listed in Table 4-2.

Power Supply Voltage Tolerances

Supply Voltage


+5.1 V

±250 mV (4.85 V to 5.35 V)

-5.2 V

±156 mV (-5.04 V to -5.36 V)

+15.75 V

+1.260 V, -787 mV (+14.963 V to +17.010 V)

+3.3 V

±100 mV (+3.20 V to +3.40 V)

+8.2 V

±82 mV (+8.12 V to +8.28 V)


measure at J4 on the power supply board


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Image 67
Agilent Technologies 54622D 9999, Calibrating and Adjusting, To adjust the power supply, Power Supply Voltage Tolerances