Entering the Manual Mode

For programming, testing, and retrieving information from NetMaster, it is often necessary to enter the Manual Mode by following the four simple steps below.

How to Enter the Manual Mode

1.Be sure the washer is in the ready mode before continuing to step 2. Refer to Figure 2. If the washer is in an active cycle, rapid advance through the cycle. Refer to Rapid Advance Feature. If coins or a card has been entered, refer to Clear Vend Feature.

2.Open the service door. Refer to Opening the Service Door.

3.While pressing and holding the NORMAL keypad with one hand, press the HOT keypad with the other hand.

4.The VFD display will show “rAPd. Refer to Figure 4.

Manual Mode is broken into two groups: Manual Programming and Manual Rapid Advance/Diagnostics. Manual Programming can only be turned on or off with the Micro-Wand IIIE, the Smart Card Reader or the Network. Refer to the appropriate instruction manual. Manual Rapid Advance/Diagnostics can be turned on and off using the Micro-Wand IIIE, by manual programming (refer to option 47 of Programming NetMaster), with the Smart Card Reader, or with the Network.

By default, both groups are turned “ON”.

The manual features available in each group are as follows (the menu displayed on the VFD in this mode is in parenthesis).

Manual Programming

Manual Programming (PrOg)

Manual Read Audit (AudT)

Manual Reset (rSET)

Rapid Advance/Diagnostics

Rapid Advance (rAPd)

Show Mode (SHOW)

Diagnostic Tests (dIAg)

If a group is turned “OFF”, the feature menu will still appear, but the features in the group cannot be entered.


Figure 4

5.Press the DELICATES (+) or the COLD (-) keypad to scroll through the options until the desired option appears in the VFD.

6.Press the START (enter) keypad.


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