Doorphone Extension (#604 and #605)
These System Programming procedures identify extensions to which doorphones are connected. A doorphone is usually placed near an entrance, to screen visitors. You can connect up to two doorphones to the
Related Features
■You must use Doorphone Alert Extensions (#606) to identify the extensions that signal when the doorphone button is pressed. Each doorphone can signal any number of alert extensions.
■To prevent outside calls from being made or received on the doorphone, use Line Assignment (#301) to remove all outside lines from the doorphone extension. (Automatic Line Selection for the doorphone extension is automatically set to intercom first.)
■You can use Message Light On with the doorphone (for example, to turn on the doorphone’s light as a prearranged signal to a delivery person) provided the doorphone is connected to an R3.1 206 module and the system is equipped with an R3.1 processor module.
■An extension cannot be used for a doorphone and a hotline at the same time. However, hotlines and doorphones can have the same alert extensions.
■You cannot assign doorphones to extensions 10, 11, 16, 17, 22, 23, 28, 29, 34, 35, 40, 41, 46, 47, 52, and 53.
■Remove voice messaging system mailboxes from doorphone extensions.
■You cannot bridge two doorphones together.
Valid Entries
None assigned ✔
To program a doorphone extension:
1.Press [ Feature ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ # ] [ 6 ] [ 0 ] [ 4 ] for
doorphone 1 (or [ # ] [ 6 ] [ 0 ] [ 5 ] for doorphone 2).
2.Enter the doorphone extension number. For example, to identify extension 20 as a doorphone extension, press [ 2 ] [ 0 ].
3.Select another procedure or exit programming mode.