If answering machines are connected to Night Service extensions, you can join a call that was already answered by an answering machine from any system phone. If you have an AT&T answering machine with the Call Intercept feature, the answering machine drops off the call when you join it.
To Program
1.Set Line Ringing for line A at extension X and for line B at extension Y to No Ring.
2.Use Line Assignment (#301) to assign line A to extension X (for the fax machine to cover), line B to extension Y (for the modem to cover), and all lines to extension Z.
3.Make sure extensions X and Y are not assigned as Calling Group Extensions (#502), Pickup Group Extensions (#501), or Hunt Group Extensions (#505).
4.Assign a Night Service Button (#503) at extension 10.
5.Assign extensions X and Y to the Night Service Group (#504).