Doorphone Alert Extensions (#606)
This System Programming procedure identifies up to 48 extensions to signal when a doorphone button is pressed. When a person uses the doorphone, it signals all alert extensions at the same time. If the alert extension is a system phone, the call signals with a unique
Related Features
■You must use Doorphone Extensions (#604 and #605) to identify the extensions to which doorphones are connected.
■If Do Not Disturb is active at a doorphone alert extension, the person at the doorphone hears signaling, but the alert extension is not signaled.
You cannot bridge two doorphones together.
Valid Entries
1 | = Not an Alert Extension ✔ |
2 | = Doorphone 1 Alert Extension |
3 | = Doorphone 2 Alert Extension |
4 | = Doorphones 1 and 2 Alert Extension |
To identify doorphone alert extensions:
1.Press [ Feature ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ # ] [ 6 ] [ 0 ] [ 6 ]. The
display reads:
2.Enter the first alert extension number
3.To change the alert status, press [ Next Data ] until the appropriate value displays.
4.To identify another alert extension, press [ Next Item ] or [ Prev Item ] until the extension number shows on the display. Then repeat Step 3.
5.Select another procedure or exit programming mode.
Doorphone Alert Extensions (#606)