4. Modify Table
Table Name : rtg_err Operation: Add
Field: clg_num = calling_num
Field: cld_num = called_num
Field: err_cause = cause
Field callid_value = call_id
5. Goto begin_loop
End Evaluate
End Evaluate
6. Read Table
Table Name: ani_db Search From Beginning
Field: ani = calling_num
# Set defaults in case no match is found in the table: dest_num is set
# to the default destination (split 1234). split_num is set to NULL
# so that direct agent calling is not invoked.
7. Evaluate
8. Set Field Value
Field: dest_num = “1234”
Field: split_num = ““
End Evaluate
9. External Action: A_Routesel
destination: dest_num
split: split_num
priority: No
routingid: routing_id
cause: cause
Return Field: route_return
# Repeat the process - go back and get the next event.
10. Goto begin_loop