Sample Routing Script
Following is an example of an ASAI routing script that has been developed with the A_Event and A_RouteSel actions.
#This is a sample routing script making use of the A_Event action.
#This script would be given, via administration, a “RTE” type
#designation and therefore would receive only route requests (that is,
#no CONNECT, ABANDON, or END messages would be received or
#processed by this script). A local database is used to route the call based
#on ANI. A local database is read in an attempt to match the ANI
#for the call. If a match is found, the table provides an agent
#extension and a split extension which are used to route the call
#to a specific agent within a split (direct agent routing). If no
#match is found, the call is routed to a default split (for example,
#to a VIS T/R split to collect additional information).
#Fields dest_num (agent extension) and split_num (split extension) for
#direct agent routing are returned from the table when a match is
1.External Action: A_Event connected: connect_num calling: calling_num called: called_num switchdata: switch_data trunkid: trunk_num callid: call_id otherid: other_id laidisplay: lai_info visdata: vis_data
routingid: routing_id
cause value: cause
Return Field: event_return
#Check to make sure a ROUTE REQUEST was received.
#If a ROUTE REQUEST was not received, go back and get the next event.
If event_return != R
If event_return = r