16.The extract process next runs the CMS converter tool. Messages similar to the following are displayed:
Admin data will be spooled to /dev/rmt/N Converter started <timestamp> /var/tmp/new/adminsave/cmsadmin.saved
Converter completed successfully <timestamp> Converter completed successfully.
17.The extract process next checks to see if ACD 1 is administered. One of the following occurs:
●If error messages are not displayed, ACD 1 is administered, and the extract continues with Step 18.
●If the following error messages are displayed, ACD 1 is not administered, and you must temporarily add ACD 1:
ACD 1 is currently administered as a skipped ACD. CUE cannot upgrade when ACD 1 is a skipped ACD. Please run cmsadm, add a temporary ACD 1, then run “./cvue_extract” again.
To add temporary ACD 1:
i.Enter: cmsadm
ii.Select the number that corresponds to the acd_create option. This adds the first unassigned ACD, which will be ACD 1.
iii.Enter the switch name and switch model, enable vectoring, enable disconnect supervision, and enter 1 for the local port and enter 1 for the remote port.
iv.When you select a link device, use either TCP/IP with an invalid IP address, or use X.25 and select one of the loopback links. Since the ACD is deleted after the upgrade, it is acceptable to assign an invalid IP address or loopback link.
v.For the remaining options, use the defaults or minimum values.
vi.Return to Step 9 and start the extract process again.