Copying and activating the customer’s administration and options
46 Avaya CMS R12 Sun Enterprise 3500 Computer CMS Upgrade Express
5. After the customer’s files have been copied from tape onto the system, the following
messages are displayed:
6. The copy process then executes the disk_space command to initialize the boot disk,
which will take from three to five minutes. The following messages are displayed:
CAUTION: If the tape copy fails, try cleaning the tape drive and restart the copy with
Step 4. If the tape copy continues to fail, the tape is probably faulty. You
must shut down the system, reinstall the original disk drives, boot the
system, and restart the extract with a new blank tape. See Extracting the
customer’s administration and options on page 17.
7. If the tape copy is successful, continue with Checking file differences between the old
system and the new system on page 47.
Important: Do not open any new windows on the local console. Do not eject the
x ./export/home/.geo, 85 bytes, 1 tape blocks
Finished reading admin data from /dev/rmt/X
Running cmssvc disk_space command to initialize boot disk.
Initializing the boot disk (this may take several minutes!) ....
The CUE Copy process is complete...<time stamp>