Preparing for the upgrade
Verifying that the customer has prepared their system for an upgrade
Before a CUE upgrade begins, maintenance backups and a CMSADM backup must be done by the customer. If the customer has not done these backups, the upgrade cannot begin. Refer the customer to Avaya Call Management System (CMS) Release 12 CMS Upgrade Express (CUE) Customer Requirements. Verify that the backups have been done as described in the Customer Requirements document before you begin the upgrade.
Required documentation
The site technician must have a copy of these instructions before beginning the upgrade.
Remote support
All upgrade procedures are done at the customer site. However, when the upgrade is being supported by remote personnel, such as CMS Provisioning, the system commands used in this document should be done by the remote personnel so that they can monitor the progress of the upgrade. Run the commands from the local console only when instructed to do so, or when there is no remote support.
Trouble escalation
If problems occur during the upgrade procedure:
1.Escalate the problem through normal channels.
2.Inspect the upgrade log file that is located at /var/log/cvuelog.
3.If the problem persists, shut down the system, reinstall the customer’s old disk configuration, and bring the system back up under the old CMS load.
8 Avaya CMS R12 Sun Enterprise 3500 Computer CMS Upgrade Express