Switch compatibility
Switch compatibility
CMS R12 does not support R7 and earlier switches. When upgrading to CMS R12, the switch must be at least R8 or later. If the current switch is administered in CMS as R7 or earlier, the upgrade extract tool will recognize this incompatibility and require you to select a newer switch model before the upgrade can continue.
CMS R12 does not support X.25 switch links. The upgrade extract tool will recognize this incompatibility and require you to enter a host name or IP address and TCP port before the upgrade can continue. Determine the host name or IP address and TCP port before you begin the upgrade.
If the host name or IP address and TCP port information is not known during the CUE upgrade, you can enter fictitious information to get through the upgrade, but the switch links will not become active until you go back and update the switch setup information with accurate information.
Hardware additions
Avoid hardware additions whenever possible during an upgrade. For example, if the customer wants to increase the amount of RAM that is in the computer, add it only after verifying that the upgrade was successful. Install the RAM as described in the maintenance and troubleshooting document for the computer.
Issue 1.0 December 2003 9