Disk upgrade procedures
8.Press Enter to accept the default value. The following messages are displayed:
SunOS Release 5.9 Version
The /etc/path_to_inst on your system does not exist or is empty. Do you want to rebuild this file [n]?
! Important:
Enter: y
The following message is displayed:
root filesystem type [ufs]:
9.Press Enter to accept the default value. The following messages are displayed:
Enter physical name of root device
10.Press Enter to accept the default value.
The system begins to boot up. Note that during
If the boot fails, turn off the power to the computer and check all device cables. Cycle power on all external devices. Start again with Step 1.
11.After the system reboots, log in as root.
12.If prompted for a password, press Enter. (At this point in the upgrade, there is no password.)
13.Enter: pkginfo -x cms
Note the new CMS load and make sure that it matches the expected upgrade load.
14.Continue with Verifying that the system recognizes the new boot disk drive on page 38.