Upgrading an Enterprise 3000 to CMS R3V9
Parts list
When upgrading an Enterprise 3000 computer to CMS R3V9, the following parts are delivered to the customer’s site:
●One boot disk drive (labeled “Boot Disk - Slot 0”)
●Optionally, up to 9 nonboot blank formatted disk drives
The quantity of optional nonboot disks depends on how many the customer ordered.
●CVUE Upgrade Tool CD
●Blank labels that are used to label the old disk drive configuration
●A complete set of system software, including:
—R3V9 Supplemental Services
—Solaris ®8 Upgrade
—Informix ®IDS
—Informix ILS
—Informix SQL (optional)
—Driver CD
—Alarm Admin GUI Client
12 CentreVu CMS R3V9 Sun Enterprise 3000 Computer CVUE Instructions