3rd byte





4th byte

The Lowest byte of max current value

5th byte

The Lowest byte of max current value

6th byte

The higher byte of max current value

7th byte

The highest byte of max current value

From 8th to 25th byte

System reserve

26th bye

Sum code


Represent an current value by 4 bytes of Hex .Lower bytes are in the front location, higher bytes are in the later location.1 represent 0.1mA,If setting upper limit is 3.0000Athe hex code is 0X00007530then the 4th byte is 0X305th is 0X756th is 0X007th is 0X00

5. Setting / Reading max input power26H/27H

1st byte

Start bit ( AAH )

2nd byte

Address (0—0XFE)

3rd byte





4th byte

The lowest byte of max power value.

5th byte

The lower byte of max power value

6th byte

The higher byte of max power value.

7th byte

The highest byte of max power value.

From 8th to 25th byte

System reserve

26th byte

Sum code


Represent power value by 4 bytes of Hex. Lower bytes are in the

Front location, higher bytes are in the later location. 1 represents 1mW. If setting upper value is 200.000Wthe hex code is 0X00030d40then the 4th byte is

0X405th is 0X0d6th is 0X037th is 0X00.

6. Selecting / Reading CC/CV/CW/CR operation mode of Electronic load. 28H/29H

1st byte

Start bit ( AAH )

2nd byte

Address (0—0XFE)

3rd byte





4th byte

Mode0 is CC mode, 1 is CV mode , 2 is CW mode , 3 is CR mode




From 5th to 25th byte

System reserve

26th byte

Sum code


Page 41
Image 41
B&K 8510 instruction manual Setting / Reading max input power(26H/27H)