Baldor VS1MD instruction manual LED Descriptions, Key Descriptions

Models: VS1MD

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6.2LED Descriptions

Refer to figure 6.1 for the location of the LEDs described in table 6.1.

Table 6.1 – LED Descriptions



LED State







Steady Red (On)

Indicates the drive is in programming mode.








Indicates the drive is in operational Mode.






Steady Red (On)

Indicates the drive is running at commanded speed.



Flashing Red

Indicates drive is accelerating or decelerating to new




speed setting.








Drive is not running.






Steady Red (On)

Indicates the drive is in forward operation.




Indicates the drive is in reverse operation.






Steady Red (On)

Indicates the drive is in a stopped position.



Flashing Red

Indicates the drive is faulted.








Drive is running.





6.3Key Descriptions

Refer to figure 6.1 for the location of the keys described in table 6.2.

Table 6.2 – Key Descriptions










Run Key

Starts the drive.



Active when the input mode is programmed for




keypad control.






Stop Key

Stops the drive in programmed stop mode.



Always active.



Reset active faults.






Ent/Prog Key

Accesses programming menu and locks in




changed values.



To enter programming mode, the Ent/Prog key




must be held in for 2 seconds.



Holding the Ent/Prog key for 2 seconds or more will




escape back to Control Reference Mode or back




out of a parameter edit function.






VS1MD AC Drive User Manual

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Baldor VS1MD instruction manual LED Descriptions, Key Descriptions