Problems with Command Centers
Command centers show erratic behavior.
For example, the pip that confirms you pressed a key "echoes" or the back lighting flashes off and on.
A supervised address has been entered in more than one command center.
Entering a supervised address in more than one command center causes erratic behavior.
Use a supervised address in one command center only.
NCI #1, #40
One or more of the keys is stuck under the faceplate
Data connections (yellow and green wires) on one or more command centers are reversed, or only one wire is connected.
Press each of the keys on the command center to be certain none of them is stuck.
Check to be sure that the yellow and green data wires are correctly connected at all command centers.
NO AUTHORITY displays at command center when you enter your passcode to perform a function.
Check theUser Interface section of the program to be sure the function is enabled for Authority Level assigned to the passcode in the Passcode Work sheet section of the program.
Check thePasscode Worksheet section of the program to be certain the passcode is assigned to the area where you are attempting to perform the function.
Check thePasscode Worksheet section of the program to see if the passcode is restricted by a user window.
Check theArea Parameters section of the program to be certain the area you are attempting to perform the function in is turned on.
| D9112 Operation & Installation Manual |
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