F016 L70 468 - Buch Seite 6 Mittwoch, 8. November 2006 4:13 16


Sculele electrice, accesoriile µi ambalajele trebuie direcøionate cåtre o staøie de revalorificare ecologicå.

Numai pentru øårile membre UE:

Nu aruncaøi sculele electrice în gunoiul menajer!

Conform Directivei Europene 2002/96/CE privind aparatura electricå µi electronicå uzatå µi

transpunerea acesteia în legislaøia naøionalå, sculele electrice casate trebuie colectate separat µi direcøionate cåtre o staøie de revalorificare ecologicå.

Asistenøå service

Desene de ansamblu µi informaøii privind piesele de schimb gåsiøi la:


Robert Bosch SRL România

Str. Horia Måcelariu 30 – 34, sector 1, Bucureµti

+40 (0)21 / 405 75 00


+40 (0)21 / 405 75 38

Bosch Service Center România

Str. Horia Måcelariu 30 – 34, sector 1, Bucureµti

+40 (0)21 / 405 75 40

+40 (0)21 / 405 75 41

+40 (0)21 / 405 75 81


+40 (0)21 / 405 75 66

Declaraøie de conformitate

Valorile måsurate au fost determinate conform 2000/14/CE (1,60 m înåløime,1 m distanøå) µi EN 25 349.


Nivelul de zgomot evaluat A al maµinii este în mod normal : nivel presiune sonorå 83 dB (A); nivel putere sonorå 94 dB (A).

2000/14/CE: Nivelul presiunii sonore LWA garantat este mai mic de 94 dB (A). Procedeu de evaluare al conformitåøii potrivit anexei VI.


Nivelul de zgomot evaluat A al maµinii este în mod normal : nivel presiune sonorå 84 dB (A); nivel putere sonorå 95 dB (A).

2000/14/CE Nivelul presiunii sonore LWA garantat este mai mic de 95 dB (A). Procedeu de evaluare al conformitåøii potrivit anexei VI.

ROTAK 40/43

Nivelul de zgomot evaluat A al maµinii este în mod normal : nivel presiune sonorå 85 dB (A); nivel putere sonorå 96 dB (A).

2000/14/CE: Nivelul presiunii sonore LWA garantat este mai mic de 96 dB (A). Procedeu de evaluare al conformitåøii potrivit anexei VI.

Acceleraøia mânå-braø este în mod normal inferioarå valorii de 2,5 m/s2.

Declaråm pe proprie råspundere cå acest produs este în concordanøå cu urmåtoarele standarde sau documernte normative: EN 60 335, EN 60 335-2-77 conform prevederilor Directivelor 89/336/CEE, 98/37/CE, 2000/14/CE.

Laborator de încercåri desemnat:

SRL Sudbury, England

Numår de identificare laborator de testare autorizat: 1088

Dr. Egbert Schneider

Dr. Eckerhard Strötgen

Senior Vice President

Head of Product



Robert Bosch GmbH, Power Tools Division

Sub rezerva modificårilor

126 • F016 L70 468 • 06.11

Românå - 6

Page 126
Image 126
Bosch Appliances ROTAK 37 manual Eliminare, Asistenøå service, Declaraøie de conformitate, Numai pentru øårile membre UE

ROTAK 43, ROTAK 37, ROTAK 40, ROTAK 34 specifications

Bosch Appliances has long been synonymous with quality and innovation in the realm of garden tools, particularly when it comes to cordless lawnmowers. Among their popular models, the ROTAK series, including the ROTAK 34, ROTAK 37, ROTAK 40, and ROTAK 43, stands out for their user-friendly design, advanced technology, and exceptional performance.

The ROTAK 34 is a compact, lightweight model that is perfect for smaller gardens. With a cutting width of 34 cm, it can easily navigate tight spaces and leave a neat finish. Its powerful 1300W motor ensures a reliable and efficient cutting experience. One of its main features is the innovative grass combs that enable close edge cutting along walls and flowerbeds, making it versatile and practical.

Moving to the ROTAK 37, this model boasts a slightly larger cutting width of 37 cm, making it suitable for medium-sized gardens. It features a powerful motor that delivers impressive cutting performance while remaining lightweight. The grass collection box has a capacity of 40 liters, which reduces the need for frequent emptying during mowing sessions. Another attractive feature is its adjustable cutting height, allowing users to choose between six different settings for personalized lawn care.

The ROTAK 40 takes performance a step further with a 40 cm cutting width and an increased power output. This model is designed for larger gardens and can tackle tougher grass conditions. The Bosch Powerdrive motor technology ensures consistent cutting results, even in challenging conditions. Additionally, the integrated rear roller allows for a professional stripe finish, a feature that many gardening enthusiasts appreciate.

Lastly, the ROTAK 43 represents the pinnacle of Bosch's lawnmower technology. With a cutting width of 43 cm, it's ideal for tackling expansive lawns. The robust 1700W motor provides outstanding performance, while the large grass collection box holds an impressive 50 liters, allowing for extended mowing sessions without interruption. This model is equipped with a special leaf collecting function, ensuring clean results even after the autumn season.

All ROTAK models feature a unique Ergoflex system, designed for comfortable handling and reduced strain on the lower back. This system allows users to adjust the handle height and angle, improving posture during operation. Additionally, the Bosch ProSilence technology significantly reduces noise levels, ensuring a quieter mowing experience that respects both the user and their neighbors.

Collectively, the Bosch ROTAK series showcases a blend of efficiency, comfort, and innovation, making them a preferred choice for lawn care enthusiasts looking for reliable lawnmowers that deliver on performance. Whether you have a small or large garden, there’s a Bosch ROTAK model tailored to meet your needs.