Sending Methods


This section describes the methods and advantages of the two main sending methods:

Memory sending

Allows you to send a document easily and quickly.

Manual sending via the handset

If you have the handset, a telephone, or an extension phone connected to your MultiPASS C70, this mode allows you to talk to the other party before you send the document.

Memory Sending

Memory sending is a quick and easy way to send a document. The MultiPASS C70 scans the document into its memory, and as the first page of a multipage document is being scanned, the unit begins calling the other party and transmitting the information even as the remaining pages are being scanned.

Since the MultiPASS C70 is multitasking, you can even scan a document into memory while sending another document, receiving a document, or printing a report.

The unit has enough memory to store up to 42 pages* (fewer if the document contains many graphics or particularly dense text). Follow the instructions on the next page to send a document with memory sending:

n Be sure to adjust the document feed lever before loading your document. (1 p. 4-5)

Sending Faxes

* Based on Canon FAX Standard Chart No. 1, standard mode.

Chapter 7

Sending Faxes
