Using the Action Menu
Function: Employs the product to sum formulas to transform the product of a trigonometric function into an expression in the sum form.
Syntax: tCollect (Exp/Eq/Ineq/List/Mat [ ) ]
• Ineq (inequality) includes the “≠” (not equal to) relational operator. Example: To transform cos(a) ⋅ cos(b) into an expression in the sum form Menu Item: [Action][Transformation][tCollect]
Function: Transforms an exponent into a trigonometric or hyperbolic function.
Syntax: expToTrig (Exp/Eq/Ineq/List/Mat [ ) ]
• Ineq (inequality) includes the “≠” (not equal to) relational operator. Example: To transform eix into a trigonometric function (Radian mode) Menu Item: [Action][Transformation][expToTrig]
Function: Transforms a trigonometric or hyperbolic function into exponential form.
Syntax: trigToExp (Exp/Eq/Ineq/List/Mat [ ) ]
•Ineq (inequality) includes the “≠” (not equal to) relational operator. Example: To transform coshx into exponential form
Menu Item: [Action][Transformation][trigToExp]
Function: Transforms a DMS format value into its equivalent
Syntax: dms
Example: To transform (3, 5, 6) (= 3q 5’ 6”) into its equivalent
Menu Item: [Action][Transformation][dms]
• Zero is the default when you omit