
Using the Action Menu


Function: Transforms a degrees-only value into its equivalent DMS format value.

Syntax: toDMS (Exp/List [ ) ]

Example: To transform 3.085 degrees into its equivalent DMS format value

Menu Item: [Action][Transformation][toDMS]

Using the Calculation Submenu

The [Calculation] submenu contains calculus related commands, such as “diff” (differentiation) and “” (integration).


Function: Differentiates an expression with respect to a specific variable.

Syntax: diff(Exp/List[,variable] [ ) ] diff(Exp/List,variable,order[,a] [ ) ]

“a” is the point for which you want to determine the derivative.

“order” = 1 when you use the following syntax: diff(Exp/List[,variable][ ) ]. The default variable is “x” when “variable” is omitted.

Example: To differentiate x6 with respect to x

Menu Item: [Action][Calculation][diff]

Example: To find the second derivative of x6 with respect to x

Menu Item: [Action][Calculation][diff]

Example: To find the second derivative of x6 with respect to x at x = 3

Menu Item: [Action][Calculation][diff]