
Other 3D Graph Application Functions

Calculating a z-value for Particular x- and y-values

Use the following procedure to calculate a z-value for given x- and y-values on the displayed graph.

u ClassPad Operation

(1)Draw the graph and make the 3D Graph window active.

(2)Tap [Analysis], and then [z-Cal].

This displays a dialog box for specifying the x- and y-values.

(3)Enter values for x and y, and then tap [OK].

This displays the x-, y-, and z-coordinate values on the 3D Graph window.

The message z-Cal” on the 3D Graph window indicates a z-Cal operation is in progress.

Inputting a value while you have a graph displayed, will display a dialog box for specifying an x- and y-value. You can use the dialog box to specify other x- and y-values.

To cancel the z-Cal operation, tap on the icon panel.