

u Catalog (cat) keyboard configuration

This is an alphabetized list of commands, functions, and other items available in the category currently selected with “Form”.

Tapping a letter button displays the commands, functions, or other items that begin with that letter.

Tap the down button and then select the category you want ([Func], [Cmd], [Sys], [User], or [All]) from the list that appears.

Tap this key to input the item that is currently selected in the alphabetized list.

uTo use the catalog (cat) keyboard

Example: To input the built-in “Plot” command

(1)Tap (to display the catalog (cat) keyboard.

(2)Tap the “Form” down arrow button vand then select [Cmd] from the list of categories that appears.

(3)Tap the ubutton in the lower right corner until the Pkey is visible.

(4)Tap P.

(5)In the alphabetized list, tap “Plot”.

(6) Tap [INPUT] to input the command.


Instead of tapping [INPUT] in step (6), you could also tap the command you selected in step (5) a second time to input the command.