Command: OneWayANOVA
Description: This command tests the hypothesis that the population means of multiple populations are equal. It compares the mean of one or more groups based on one independent variable or factor.
Command Syntax
FactorList(A), DependentList
Definition of Terms
FactorList(A): list where levels of Factor A are located
DependentList: list where sample data is located
Input Example
OneWayANOVA list1,list2
Calculation Result Output
A df : df value of Factor A
A MS : MS value of Factor A
A SS : SS value of Factor A
A F : F value of Factor A
A p :
Errdf : df value of error
ErrMS : MS value of error
ErrSS : SS value of error
df : degrees of freedom
SS: sum of squares
MS : mean square