Program Command Reference
Syntax: Pause
Function: This command pauses program execution and displays a pause indicator on the right side of the status bar.
•You can perform manual operations on the ClassPad display screen while program execution is paused by the Pause command.
•Program execution remains paused until you tap the button on the status bar, or until six minutes pass (after which program execution resumes automatically).
Syntax: Return
Function 1 (Main Program)
This command terminates program execution.
Function 2 (Subroutine Program)
This command returns from a subroutine.
• The Return command can be executed during an If, For, Do, While, or Switch process.
Syntax: Skip
Function: This command causes execution to jump to the statement at the beginning of a loop.
•Skip causes execution to jump to the statement at the beginning of a loop.
•Skip can be used inside of a For, Do, or While process.